Announcement: New Update Schedule
I’ve come to realize that my current update schedule of 3 comics a week is not working out. I haven’t been able to produce 3 comics in one week in quite some time. So rather than ask you lovely readers to constantly guess when the newest Gyno-Star comic will arrive, I’ve decided to change my update schedule to something I can more realistically honor.
I’m hereby announcing that henceforth, I will post new Gyno-Star comic strips twice a week — every Monday and Thursday.
It won’t really be less content, because as I said, I haven’t kept my 3x/week schedule for a while. But it should allow me to avoid missed updates and late updates, so you’ll always know when you can expect a new batch of cartoon feminist superhero goodness.
As always, thanks for your continued readership and support!
I’ll take what I can get!
I certainly understand. It’s never nice to have to cut back when you don’t want to, but better that than not being able to do it at all.
Honestly, every new strip of a good webcomic is an awesome treat. Twice a week is plenty, do whatever amount you feel comfortable with.
Since you have a RSS feed, I’ve just been using that, hadn’t even *noticed* the “official” schedule that wasn’t being kept 😉 I read what’s there when its there. But it’s good to have the official proclamation up front.
Thanks guys!
No problem. You deliver quality stuff. Great art, great writing, low price. That’s more than I can say for some comics.