I’m the opposite. I don’t like shiny objects. They reflect the sun into my face. Which is especially bad when driving. Why must everyone wash their cars so often!
I know you weren’t serious, but in actual fact, cars’ paint jobs must be kept relatively clean so that the paint doesn’t get damaged and thus lead to flaking and rusting. 🙂
I totally relate to Little Sappho – I’m often dragged off of something I should be doing by shiny objects. I think lots of people will relate to this!
It’s so hard to resist the shiny!
And hard to resist Gyno-Star. She’s apparently kinda shiny, too…
Shiny(or moving thing or cute animal) + ADHD= distraction. I know ur pain.
I’m the opposite. I don’t like shiny objects. They reflect the sun into my face. Which is especially bad when driving. Why must everyone wash their cars so often!
I know you weren’t serious, but in actual fact, cars’ paint jobs must be kept relatively clean so that the paint doesn’t get damaged and thus lead to flaking and rusting. 🙂