
Gyno-Star possesses super strength, a Gyno-Sense (psychic connection to oppressed women everywhere), the power to make people experience the pain of childbirth, and a super-human passion for equal rights.
Little Sappho

Little Sappho is Gyno-Star's sidekick, friend and protege. Her main (currently known) super-powers are gay-dar and Rightous Lesbian Rage. She is an avowed Marxist, but will probably grow out of it.
Stay-At-Home Mommy

Formerly known as the Happy Homemaker, Stay-At-Home Mommy is one of Gyno-Star's oldest foes. Although she constantly tries to change her image, her goal always remains the same: to trap women into lives of domestic desperation. Once a promising engineering student, SAHM gave up her dreams to pursue marriage and a family. The frustration of not being able to use her genius-level intelligence drove her mad. She gained super-powers when one of her household experiments went awry, and she was irradiated by her dish washing machine. Now she uses her intelligence in mad schemes to prevent other women from achieving their own ambitions.
Vlad Deferens
Discussion (33) ¬
You rock! So glad to know about this site.
Ha ha – thanks. You rock too!
Since you commented on my blog, I thought I’d check yours out,and I was immediately interested. I like your ideas. And I like your drawing style. I look forward to looking at more posts.
Great strips, great style.
Really like it.
Very, very nice work.
You commented on my blog, so of course I clicked on your name. So glad I did! This is so clever and good!
Thank you very much. I sometimes surf around looking for blogs about feminism and related topics. Your post about sexist Axe commercials was spot-on.
Nice line art !
Thanks very much!
Hey, thanks for ‘liking’ my post; it’s my first interaction here (I’m new & still getting the hang of things). You’ve got some great ideas for characters/story lines :)!
Thanks for dropping by and commenting!
Since I left FB I’ve missed gyno-star, but then I found this site. Thanks for making me laugh and we miss you here in Metro land. Keep it up!
Which one did I partially inspire? Vlad?
Gynostar sucks. Just because the message of your comic is good, doesn’t mean the comic is anything other than shitty.
I could make a comic about how murdering is bad, but if it wasn’t funny, then it’s no good. And this is no good.
It’s boring and overpreachy and just plain sad.
Your art’s good, though.
I enjoy Gyno-star and think it is damn funny. I think you are you are not realizing that the preachiness is tongue in check. I also think that it is steadily getting funnier and funnier. .
Thanks, TC!
You are welcome. I consider your webcomic one of the best webcomics that make you think. Right up there with SMBC and Sinfest (before it morphed into “Hipster Precious Moments”). With every new story arc you have figured out how to send a message with less heavy-handedness, while at the same time making your humor more and more smooth flowing and original. I hope you continue to improve and this comic gains more readers.
Your website looks so cool. I love how you’re putting feminism into comic books. I’m going to read the comics right now. Thanks for this cool website. 😉
Discovered your comic through an ad on another comic I read. Dipped into the archives, read through from the first comic, and laughed my a$$ off the entire way. Great work, and spot on!
this site is underrated , you should be higher in the internet charts ……….
One question i got for the author:
Why is SAHM considered “having given up her dreams to create a family” ?
As i see it feminism’s goal is to give women CHOICE not berate them for their choices.
She chose to make a family not pursue a soul crushing career , i don’t see a point in bashing her for it.
And nobody ever makes a choice they later regret? All choices involve opportunity costs.
We could attribute that “choices have consequences” to feminists who choose to not have a family as well over a career.
But then i would be labeled a “misogynist”, right?
Why is her making a choice automatically “regretful”? maybe if you went deeper into her past and showed she has an abusive husband or some you know..REAL reason to hate her own choices then yeah.
but at this point you are berating her for not working and choosing a family life over a soul crushing job.
As a man i’d take the family life over the damn job ANY TIME.
Even worse – she hasn’t really mae a “choice” if you really think about it.
In one strip you pointed out she actually is very educated and has read extensively, even outwitting Gynostar – which would imply her choice to not go for a high-powered job was actually quite rational and intelligent.
Not all moms are morons, just you know.
And not everyone wants to be at the top while stepping on corpses in capitalist hamster wheel to accumulate *things*.
You’re mildly amusing, Zap. Thanks for reading.
Way to
be condesending to your readersdeal calmly with an obvious troll, Cohen.FTFY
Thanks for that! It’s just the answer I nedede.
Awesome work! Two questions: Is Gyno-Star’s costume deliberately similar to Shadowcat’s [Marvel Comics]? And how many people have asked you that?
Actually you are the first person ever to ask me that. The real influence is Phoenix/Jean Grey, but also the general early 80s Marvel style. So, yeah, Shadowcat is definitely part of that overall vibe.
Stay-At-Home-Mommy has to be one of the most sexist fucking things I’ve ever seen. Is this an Alt-Right comic?