Episode 91: 100% Organic, Free-range Comic Strip *(may contain gluten) by Rebecca Cohen on June 28, 2011 and modified on June 29, 2018. Enjoying The Adventures of Gyno-Star? Become a member on Patreon. Related Comics ¬ Episode 93: Think Different Episode 126: Persons of Interest Episode 128: Demand-Side Economics Episode 109: Pure as the Driven Snow Episode 92: Fundamentals of Marketing
Presumably Little Sappho also hasn’t realised what work force makes iPads.
That comic was rich in irony, therefore good for our blood.
Consider it an irony supplement. Which you should take daily to avoid anemia.
A most excellent comment and reply! Thank you both! 🙂
Is this a joke about Apple or FoxConn specifically? Just wondering.
Err, just noticed “Googled” in there too, so it’s just a dig at large corporations. Nevermind. =)
If you keep reading, you may find a few *subtle* digs at Apple in future strips. 🙂
It is hard to find things not made under cruel conditions. Very hard.
A corporation is just like a government: only voluntary. That is why the power of government must be restricted: So corporations can’t use the government to coerce.