Episode 238: A Crafty Supervillain by Rebecca Cohen on December 28, 2012 and modified on July 6, 2018. Chapter: Revenge of the Happy Homemakers Enjoying The Adventures of Gyno-Star? Become a member on Patreon. Related Comics ¬ Episode 140: Helpful Household Hints Episode 71: It’s a Scrawny Girl Thing Episode 138: The Shocker Episode 237: Cleaning House Episode 139: This One Goes to 11
No macrame for a while.
It’s her main form of self-expression, too. Other than the supervillainy, of course.
That is a quality dustbuster beating!
A lot of people don’t realize how many uses those things have.
Awww….no macrame for a while.
Then again…maybe she needs to take up some other hobbies…ones that don’t involve taking over the world :p
The lasso of craft suppression!! I thought it was a mere myth?
the art of knotting cord or string in patterns to make decorative articles.
fabric or articles made by knotting cord in patterns.
Can’t say that i blame her.