Episode 301: Diversify Your Bonds
Everybody ready for a new story arc? I think you’re all going to enjoy this one. At least I hope so!
Also, I really love this punch line. It’s very rare that my own punch line makes me giggle out loud, but for some reason this one does it for me.
Finally — I want to thank my Patrons for making these regular Gyno-Star updates possible. Become my Patron on Patreon!
They really don’t, though.
If they are as bland as their choice of group name, then no, they don’t know what they’re in for.
This is a world with lot’s of supers. So naturally all the good team names are taken already. You can even be happy if you find a free superhero name.
This is true.
I tried to register the name Titan. Turns out there were a bunch of greek has-beens with that nom-de-guerre.
League of Superheroes is impressively deconstructionist. Post-modern, one might even say?
The hospital is on fire! Quick, call the League Of Superheroes Emergency Response Squad!
That is pure gold.
You too can be in the League! Just fill out the paperwork, and you’ll be a Super Hero In Training. Soon everyone will notice you when you come into the room!
And for younger budding heroes, don’t forget the Fellowship of Upcoming Child/Kid Sidekicks!
Utoh…seems to me that there’s something afoot here….
wait, wait not yet…I have to go get some popcorn and maybe a beer. This is going to be priceless. (do these gum boots make me look fat?)
The interpersonal conflicts shall be GLORIOUS. Seriously, though, I’m pumped about this.
GLORIOUS? Gyno-star’s League Of Really Invincible Overpowered Superheroes?
*unfortunately, only one word starting with U comes to mind.
Oooh! Is that Europa! I have a similar pic on my desktop background.
It is! 😀
Gotta love those ice moons. Apparently there’s some talk of Europa getting a visit from NASA in the near(ish) future, trying to outdo the ESA for collecting snowballs! How cool would it be to have images from Europa’s surface? OOH! Jupiter rise! :3
Useful? Useless? User-friendly? Ubiquitous? Uncompromising? Ungainly? Undignified? Unhappy? Unknown? Unsavory? Ugly? United? Untied? Uxorious? Utilitarian? Unified? Uniform? Universal? Unilateral? Ultra? Upperclass? Undervalued? Underrepresented? Understated? Uploaded? Underpants? Ãœbermensch? Can we have a hint? Pretty please?
Uxorious? How sexist!
And, therefore, perfect for the group in question.
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know eveigthrny!
Well gee, now I just feel like I should get my mind out of the gutter.
I look forward to meeting the one guy on the team that doesn’t have his head up his ass. 😀
Ironically, that’s Headupassman. His superpower is… rather unpleasant.
Sidekick sassing the Super! 🙂
I thought I’d add this….I have straight friends who constantly try to look on the better side of guys and come up with reasons not to be completely and totally “done” with them. I think I’ve had a few conversations like this in the past.
I propose that once she’s part of the group some random enemy shows up and hits them all with a gender swap ray (binary or full LGBTQ spectrum?) but Gynostar gets stuck being male (possibly the only vanilla cis white male).
Comic anarchy ensues.
Or perhaps someone Tweeted a pic of the “new” Gynostar (after she was hit with the boob-enhancing/costume-coverage-reducing male gaze beam) and will be disappointed when she shows up with full coverage and non-gravity-defying attributes.
That is an interesting angle I hadn’t considered before.
Artemisia That’s ok, there are a few of us guys out here that have gotten so totally tired of female head games that we have decided to quit wasting our time on them too.
They’ve also given up self-pity.
GynoStar should get rid of that pest she keeps hanging with.
All she does is complain about every decision. Gawds, in reality a person like that is a pain in the butt !
Yeah, people who always complain are the worst, and we should definitely complain about them. 😉
I smell incoming strawmen.
When women get rid of those abominations called high heels they just may be fully liberated. And I am a man.
Anyone else hearing Paul McCartney right now?