Episode 38: Same Thing We Do Every Night, Pinky by Rebecca Cohen on October 18, 2010 and modified on June 29, 2018. Enjoying The Adventures of Gyno-Star? Become a member on Patreon. Related Comics ¬ Episode 35: What Did You Learn at Camp? Episode 34: The Real Achievement Gap Episode 39: Stick to the Issues Episode 48: Actually, These ARE the Droids I’m Looking For Episode 37: Good Christian Hair
I thought you were kidding about that mouse thing. Then, I googled Christine.
Dear god, you weren’t kidding. You weren’t kidding. *rocks back and forth in fetal position* So much stupid.
Yep. It’s kind of too easy to make fun of someone so over-the-top crazy and stupid. But then again, it’s very fun.
You left out something, “Obama’s army of gay, MUSLIM mice”. LOL.
Go ahead and mock secret Obama’s gay Muslim mice army, but the predator drones can’t fly themselves…
Um. Yes they can. That’s kind of the point.
That’s just what they WANT you to believe!
‘adjusts tinfoil hat’
I wish these were animated on Adult Swim. These are just so good!
I wish they were too! If you know anyone at adult swim, tell them to give me a call! 😀 But seriously, thanks.